Focus on Domestic Violence
Since 1997, Soroptimist International has designated $310,000 to the prevention and elimination of domestic violence-a Soroptimist priority. Soroptimist joined with the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence to produce and distribute an informational booklet for domestic abuse victims. Soroptimist also developed and distributed a legislative guide outlining laws pertaining to domestic violence in 17 countries with Soroptimist clubs. In addition, Soroptimist International funds the award-winning Soroptimist Workplace Campaign to Prevent Domestic Violence, an annual club activity designed to create awareness about domestic violence, particularly as it affects the workplace.
Trafficking: Assisting Victims and Advocating for Change The United Nations estimates that four billion people are trafficked annually. Every year, poor and desperate women are manipulated into migrating for a better life and end up working in the commercial sex industry. While they are selling their bodies, criminals are making money. This is the fastest growing transnational crime and is estimated to generate four to seven billion dollars in profits annually. Women are held in captivity and forced to pay off debts to the criminals who trafficked them. These women need your help. Order the new model program kit for information on what you club can do.
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From Cathy Standiford's Soroptimist Blog ~ The Impact of Personal Stories
March 13th, 2011 by Cathy Standiford, Past SIA President
Sometimes it takes a personal story to help people move from disbelief and denial into action. At this weekend’s Women of the World Conference, actress Ashley Judd shared a personal story about her friend’s daughter. After an argument with her parents at the Atlanta airport, the daughter was picked up by a pimp within one hour, and ultimately disappeared for 5 days. Fortunately she was found–but what happened during those five days has changed her life forever.
This is the video of Judd sharing the story and calling for action: