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The Soroptimist Live Your Dream: Education & Training Awards for Women assist women who provide the primary source of financial support for their families, the opportunity to achieve their career goals by giving them the resources they need to improve their education, skills and employment prospects. In addition to providing the primary financial support for their families, eligible applicants must be enrolled in, or have been accepted to, a vocational/skills training program or an undergraduate degree program and must demonstrate financial need. Please click HERE to learn more about this amazing award.
The award begins at the local Soroptimist club level where the amount is determined by each individual club. Each club winner is then forwarded for judging at the Region level where one winner is chosen to receive a first place award of $5,000, which is funded by Soroptimist International of the Americas (SIA). The first place Region winner is then sent to SIA to compete for $10,000 finalist awards.

Dream It, Be It
Dream It, Be It Career Support for Girls gives girls the tools they need to achieve their education and career goals, empowering them to break cycles of poverty, violence, and abuse.
What We Do
Although all girls face barriers because of their gender, we prioritize working with girls who have additional obstacles including poverty, unstable home lives, living in foster care, or teen motherhood. Soroptimist clubs work in partnership with girls in small groups or a conference setting to provide them with the information and resources they want and need to be successful.
Why We Do It
Far too many girls face barriers on the pathway to achieving their dreams. Obstacles such as poverty, teen dating violence, and teen pregnancy can get in the way of a girl's ability to make her dreams a reality. Dream It, Be It equips girls to overcome their obstacles, set goals, and head towards success.
Please click HERE to learn more about our Dream It, Be It Program.
Soroptimist Club Grants for Women and Girls
Soroptimist funds the Soroptimist Club Grants for Women and Girls to assist clubs in starting up or continuing projects in their communities that improve the lives of women and/or girls. Projects should reflect the following goal of the SIA strategic plan: The entire organization will collectively provide a sustainable impact on the lives of women and girls.
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